Rabu, 22 April 2009

Development Indicators (contd)

Summary of Today : Wednesday 23 April 2009

Population Indicators
Growth rate, Infant mortality, life expectancy and Urban Population are the four most important population (Demographic) indicators used to help measure development. In MEDCs like UK, most people can expect to live well (life expectancy) into their late 70s.
Growth rate is calculated by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate. MEDCs usually have low birth rates. Less developed countries has a fall in growth rate but they are still several times higher than for developed countries.
Higher rates of infant mortality are the major contibutor to higher birth rates in LEDCs
As health services and general quality of life improve = growth rate and infant mortality fall --- life expectancy increases.
E.g. Population indicators ( from UNDP Human Development Report, 2003)
Growth rate (1975-200 Infant Mortality Life expectancy Urban
UK 0.2 5 78.1 89%
Ethiopia 2.7 114 45.5 15%

Social indicators
Countries with a high HDI score over 0.8, those with medium HDI are between 0.5 and 0.79, those under 0.5 have a low HDI.
e.g USA HDI =0.939 ( 279 doctors per 100,000 people)
Ethiopia HDI = 0.359 (1.4 doctors per 100,000 people)
MEDCs like the USA has a far better ratio of doctors per person.

Different level of development
MEDC = GDP over $10,000 per capita, HDI over 0,8, HIgh life expectancy
NIC = GDP $3000-10,000 percapita, HDI approx. 0.65-0.8, good life expectancy
LEDC = GDP $1000-$3000 percapita, HDI approx.0.45-0.65, low life expectancy
LLEDC = GDP less than $1000 percapita, HDI under 0.45, very low life expectancy

Why is development so unequal?
What are the reasons for wide differences in development?
Many LEDCs are located in the Tropics. Causing widespread damage. E.g Earthquake and volcanoes.
Extreme climatic conditions.
Hot and wet conditions are breading ground for disease-carrying insects like mosquitoes, bacteria and viruses.
Many LEDCs borrow large sum of many from MEDCs creating debts.
Lots of LEDCs are newly independent ( Many suffer from political instability, conflict and civil war)

Difference within countries
Not only do development levels vary between countries, they also vary within countries. E.g. Differences in Italy and Brazil.
Although development indicators are very useful to allow comparisons of development levels between countries. It is very important to remember that these are “average” figures. Country data does not show regional variety.

Rabu, 15 April 2009

Field Trip to Jatiluhur Hydro Electric Power Plant

Field Trip to Jatiluhur Hydro Electric Power plantOn Friday 3 April 2009,

The students went to JatiLuhur Dam to observe the Hydro Electric Power. This field trip was a part of project on Water Uses,Management and Supply Unit. After studying the unit, the students were asked to do the project such as answering questions in the booklet by interviewing the staff of the JatiLuhur Dam and making an essay related to the unit they have studied ( we chose JatiLuhur Hydro-Electric Plant for the case study).

Note : Please submit your essay the latest is on Friday 24 April 2009.

Development Indicators

Summary of Geography lesson on Thursday 16 April 2009
Development Indicators

What is development?
It is How wealthy a country and its people.
It is measured by GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
The world divided up using GDP :
-MEDCs : GDP Over $3000
-LEDCs : GDP Below $3000
-Least Economically Developed Countries : GDP Under $100
Economic factors are still Important.
If a country has a high GDP, it is likely its people have a good quality of life, but such wealth is often unevenly distributed.
Human well-being depends on a wide range of factors like health, education access to services like water, sanitation, electricity.
Freedom, democracy, security and equal opportunities are difficult to measured, yet are just as important.
Today HDI (the Human Development Index) is used rather than GDP on its own. It is based on :
-Wealth (Economic) : GDP measured in $US with an adjustment made for relative purchasing power.
-Knowledge (Social) : an education index based on adult literacy and the total enrolled in Primary, secondary and tertiary education.
-Health (Population) : Life expectancy at birth.
The final HDI figure is the average of the three indicators.

Measuring development
A wide range of data is used to help us measure levels of development. The United Nations annual report includes over 30 tables containing more than 200 sets of data (indicators). Certain indicators are grouped together to cover specific topic.It’s difficult to look at all these indicators in detail, so selected indicators are commonly used to assess economic, population, and social development.

Economic Indicators
GDP is still important and become one of three measurements which are used to calculate overall HDI.
e.g. In 2003, USA GDP : $35,750.
Bangladesh GDP : $ 1,700
Ethiopia GDP : $780
Trade and Industry are also important indicators. Generally MEDCs contribute a higher proportion of Exports than Imports. LEDCs : Higher Imports than Exports.
Employment Structure (The proportion of the workforce employed in each sector) is also a good indicator of economic development. Wealthier countries usually have the highest proportion of workers in the tertiary sector.
End of doc